Monday, 19 December 2011

Come here, little bird

Isabelle Thibeault is a wonderful French artist who makes and photographs paper mache heads of various animals, whether feathered, flippered or furry.
The fact that not only are these creations made, but then also brought to life in obviously carefully constructed photographs and settings creates thought provoking hybrid creatures- sometimes with the being acting animalistically, and other times playing with toy cameras and guitars, drawing further attention to the human characteristic that normally seems to be lost to the focus of the mask.
Have a look at Isabelle's dozens of other beautiful masks on her blog, but bear in mind it's French and google translate will be your friend.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Dear Sixteen year old me-

I live in Australia, and we're about to head into Summer.
I adore Summer, I love the pool, I love the sun, and I love the heat, just like so many other people my age. Thing is, so many of us aren't careful or wary of what the sun can do to us, or leave it for future-us to deal with.
I will admit, when I was younger I thought tanning was the 'cool thing' to do, and I was damn stupid. Hell, I'd rather be orange from a bottle than potentially give myself a deadly disease. I'm about to head on schoolies for a week to the beach, and especially going to be focusing on staying sunsmart after watching this. I've got a coverup, a stylish hat and a good supply of sunscreen to keep me going.
This video is a wakeup call, and needs to be shared, especially around Australia where it's already heading into the mid 30 degrees.
Stay safe.