Monday, 17 October 2011

What if Sleeping Beauty never woke?

(Snow White: yasahime, Cinderella: liga-marta, Sleeping Beauty: kmye-chan)

I spend a lot of my free time reading fanfiction or imagining alternate endings to stories that already exist. I am of the firm belief that if a story touches you then you should be able to interpret your own version and personalise it. Technically Disney recreated the original dark stories of their Princesses into the flowingly dressed happy-ever-afters it is so common for us to see today, and many people aren't even aware that these animators didn't create the story, but manipulated it into what they preferred. This is exactly what amazing artists do, whether referring to the original gothic tones, creating a backstory for the character, or exploring the realistic consequences of events for characters.

Another fairytale project that caught my eye are Claire Hummel's reinterpretations of Disney Princesses in historically accurate clothing. Belle particularly has an entirely new wardrobe, her fitted flowing yellow gown transformed into a fitted bodice and wide skirt. A nice look for fashion as well as art.

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